Passiflora citrina (Yellow Passion Flower)

Passiflora citrinaPassiflora citrina is a cute passiflora vine. It’s relatively small, and though you can really grow it out (it’s a rapid grower), you can easily maintain it small and compact. The leaves have an interesting shape to them and have yellow stripes.

The plat looks it’s best when you get the foliage dark and luscious, since the flowers are yellow. If there is not enough light, or the soil is not rich enough, the leaves will get lighter and yellower, and though you will still get plenty of flowers, they Passiflora citrinawon’t be very noticeable.
For best results, besides giving plenty of warmth, light, and fertilizer you can even add slow release iron supplement to the soil to get the leaves dark enough.

The flowers are not as large and showy as other passionflowers. They are solid yellow and look like numerous stars on the passionflower vine. Before they open and after they close, they look like yellow candles, and are still decorative (each passion flower opens for only a day). They are freely produced year round and are a joy to look at!

Passiflora citrina originates from Central America, and can tolerate lower temperatures for short periods of time. When grown as a house plant, it’s evergreen and everblooming. This passionflower is small and compact, very easy to take care of, and very forgiving of neglect. And given suitable conditions it will constantly bear flowers. Though the flowers are not big and showy, they are lovely to look at and so numerous, when the plant is grow well, that it’s quite a sight.Passiflora citrina


Watering needs:

Passiflora citrina has medium watering needs. In my experience it handles drying out and over watering quite well. When the plant is dried out it seems to drop leaves instead of wilting, and when overwatered the leaves get paler and the soil gets washed off from nutrients. Overall a very forgiving plant. Water generously when the soil feels dry to the touch and use a well draining medium for best results.


Passiflora citrinaIn my experience Passiflora citrina prefers part shade over full sun. You can grow it on east/south or west window inside, but if taking it outside for the summer, it will prefer part shade. This plant will flower with lower light level as well, but it will not do well on a north window.


Passilora citrina is not as fussy s other passionflowers, and can tolerate lower humidity levels quite well. It’s also quite resistant to bugs. When the humidity is really low, the leaves become more brittle, so for best results keep the humidity higher.

Soil Type and Fertilizer:

Rich well draining medium is perfect for this plant. You can use a generic potting mix with slow release fertilizer and some sand or per-lite. I like to add a bit of compost to my mixture, and it seems to give the extra richness to the soil. Generic fertilizer will do just fine. I would say this plant is a moderate feeder, though not as much as some of the more showy passifloras, so be careful not to over-fertilize.


Just like other passifloras, Passiflora citrina is very easy to propagate through cuttings. I’ve successfully rooted cutting any time of the year and any type of cutting would work. The plant grows rapidly, and reaches blooming size in half a year or less depending on the conditions.

Other Care Tips and Personal Observations: 

Passiflora citrinaAs a rapid growing vine, this plant requires support. Feel free to cut back loose growth and wrap the plant and shape it however you like.

To have a nice dark foliage it helps to add a bit of slow release iron granules to the soil, and ensure the plant is getting plenty of light.

Passiflora citrina doesn’t require as much light as other passionflowers, and can be grown successfully at lower light levels, as well as under grow lights (daylgiht LED works just fine if you provide enough lux to the plant).



Very easy plant to grow, and a generous bloomer, this passiflora makes  a wonderful houseplant!Passiflora citrina

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